Hugo Ventura

AI Gallery

In 2022 I stumbled upon a post on X (prev. Twitter) about Midjourney

Since then, I've playing and experimenting with all kinds of Generative AI.

Back in white

Back in white

Do we know each other

Do we know each other

Streetwear on stairs

Streetwear on stairs

Disposable camera at night #2

Disposable camera at night #2

Immaculate times

Immaculate times

172,800 seconds

172,800 seconds

Ultra-modern Manor

Ultra-modern Manor

Disposable camera at night #1

Disposable camera at night #1

Pacific Coast

Pacific Coast

Business Hours

Business Hours

Close-up shadow portrait

Close-up shadow portrait

Light leaks #1

Light leaks #1

Scan photography

Scan photography

Burning light

Burning light

Concrete Madness

Concrete Madness



Ektachrome Exploration #Ferrari

Ektachrome Exploration #Ferrari

State of Mind

State of Mind



The dome house

The dome house

Fabric and environment reflection

Fabric and environment reflection